Referencing various researches on the prevalence of sexual harassment in media houses, Kenya still ranks at the top. To address this, AMWIK in partnership with Article 19 Eastern Africa held a committee meeting to review and finalize the 2022 work plan for the activities on addressing sexual harassment in the media. The event preceded the launch and endorsement of a draft model policy and committee in 2021 which it intends to be adopted by media houses and a mandate document bringing together all the partners.
According to a global study released by WAN-IFRA Women in News, on average, 65 per cent of Kenyan women in media have faced sexual harassment compared to 25 percent of men. 45 per cent of the harassment was physical and 56 percent verbal.
“The progress made to get here is commendable. We believe this is the year we put mechanisms against sexual harassment in the media space in place because it is rife. We have to be bold enough and speak out about it.”
AMWIK ED, Judie Kaberia
“Change begins with increased awareness, conversation and enactment of policies and guidelines that set standards of best practices in the journey towards building a media industry that is free from sexual harassment.”
Robert Wanjala, Programmes Officer, Article 19 Eastern Africa